
Microsoft excel shortcut keys and formulas
Microsoft excel shortcut keys and formulas

microsoft excel shortcut keys and formulas microsoft excel shortcut keys and formulas

It will even sort those entries in alphabetical order, as shown in Figure J.

microsoft excel shortcut keys and formulas

Click OK, and Excel will copy the unique entries from the source column into the new location.As shown in Figure I, select the Copy To Another Location option, select the Unique Records Only check box, and type B1 in the Copy To field.By default, Excel will suggest filtering the list "in-place." There's nothing wrong with that, but I recommend copying the unique records to another location, so you can compare the two lists side by side.Note: You don't have to select all the data or sort it first for this tip to work. However, if you inadvertently deselect it, just make sure the cell pointer is located anywhere in the data you pasted before you proceed. After you paste the data, it will still be selected. Paste that data into a column away from your source data range or in a new sheet.(Select the whole column because you'll need the column header.) Click on the column letter to select the entire column that contains your data and then copy it by pressing C, going to Edit | Copy, or clicking the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.To demonstrate how it works, we'll use the data in Column B from the sample sheet we introduced in Figure B. To generate such a list, you'll use Data | Filter | Advanced Filter. The second answer is the one to use if you want to have a list of the unique entries you can copy and paste elsewhere.

Microsoft excel shortcut keys and formulas